Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Maths at the Movies - Monday

This week in school we are taking part in 'Maths at the Movies'. 

In Year 5 and 6 we chose the film Sing!

On Monday, the children planned a dance routine using their mathematical knowledge of position, direction and angles. 

They then gave their instructions to others to follow, practise and perform during their P.E lesson. 

Over the week, the children will be doing different activities related to the film. 

Stay tuned...

Monday, 26 February 2018

Celebration Assembly

Last week, Mrs Nelson was unfortunately losing her voice. Therefore, speaking in celebration assembly was not easy so she needed someone to assist her.

Emily (being Mrs Nelson's assembly helper) stepped in and did a fantastic job of announcing and handing over the 'Pupil of the Week' certificates.