Thursday, 23 March 2017

Multicultural Week in Ruby Class

Multicultural Week

During Multicultural Week, we learnt all about the country Japan. 

We found out about: 

- the food
- their clothes
- well-known landmarks
- sports
- gaming
- origami (making a kimono and Pikachu) 

We then shared what we had learnt with Diamond and Garnet class. 

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Multicultural Week - Kenya


Topaz Class had a lot of fun learning about Kenya.
We looked at a variety of different topics which included:

  • Flag
  • Food
  • Mapping
  • Where in the World?
  • Tribes
On Friday we were lucky enough to be able to swap classes and share what we had learned with the other children.
The tropical food tasting went down really well...

Well done to all the children who contributed fascinating extra homework.
Photos to follow...
Testing times in Year 5/6
The children have been working really hard to show their progress in assessments this week. Well done to everyone who has given their best! Mr Richards.👍