Thursday, 19 October 2017

House Captain

This afternoon, the whole school participated in voting for their House Captain.

One boy and one girl along with a Vice Captain will be announced in assembly tomorrow.

All the children who were House Captain candidates did really well and should be proud of themselves for standing up in front of a large number of children and explaining why they would be good at representing their house. 

The Young Shakespeare

The Young Shakespeare Company

On Monday the 9th of October, the Young Shakespeare Company visited to share with our school (Down Hall Primary School) the wonders and miracles of the pantomimes and plays that William Shakespeare wrote and directed back when he was alive and well. As we found out, the play that they performed was ‘Romeo and Juliet’ - one of the most famous pantomimes of the playwright. There were many roles that were took on, and the performance was extremely educational, inspirational and interesting. The play was set in Venice and was exceedingly realistic for a live performance and there were hardly any actors or actresses! I am sure that us children very much enjoyed the amount of participation that was included for us and were very pleased with the spiritual, creative and fun direction of our learning that was taken when we were lead into the hall to watch the pantomime. Once the play had started, they were explaining the old english language that they used in the performance as it was consistently used to help us understand the olden days and how they lived their everyday life. We helped to encourage the feud between the Capulets (Juliet’s family) and the Montagues (Romeo’s family). Also, to help us to refer to the play with modern day life, they inserted recent songs, dances and items which made it even more enjoyable and comprehensible. We got to see (up close) how Romeo and Juliet fell in love and how their life came to a tragic and sudden end because of this.

by Seren (Year 6)


Wednesday 18th October 2017

Circus workshop  

On the 14th of september, a man came in from a circus educational company.We had about 30 minutes.He showed us how to juggle,use a diablo,flower-stick and spin a plate on a stick which I was really good at.
We learned how to use a diablo but I don’t think many people knew what a flower-stick was (I didn’t).
Anyway I’m sure everyone enjoyed it.

By George (Year 6)

On the 14th of September 2017, the happy circus came in to perform a show for us. The show was quite funny and it was starred by Pip and Ring-master Rossy. It was after school. It was a real circus with sweets and refreshments. They made barely any mistakes and the performers were very good.

by Jake (Year 6)

E- Safety

 E-Safety           Tuesday 12th September 2017

On Tuesday somebody came in and gave us a talk on E-Safety. He told us about all social medias like, Snapchat and Instagram, And told us about the dangers of each one and what we can do to make it better such as private accounts. He also  showed us some clips of things that have happened to people in real life. And he asked us if anything had happened to us.

by Katie (Year 6)

Wednesday, 12 July 2017


Our trip to the Cliffs Pavilion on the 16 of June 2017 for SEESMA was so much fun.

These were our songs:
1,National anthem
2,Musical memories
3,Top of the world,
4,Walking on the shine,
6,We like joyful music,
7,I believe in music,
8,thank you for the music,
9,Let the music heal your soul,
10,What makes you beautiful,
11,Rule the world,
12,power in me,
13,Go the distance,
14,Just sing,
15,Something inside so strong
16,One vision one world,
17,Music is magic,

When we got there, we first lined up to go on the stage which was huge and we got told to sit down on the stage while everybody took their seats. Then we sang our first four songs and then the instruments played. Then we sang our next 6 songs then the instruments played again. After we sang our final 7 songs.Then the audience started leaving and we went home.

What we liked about SEESMA was there were a lot of songs and the parents joined in. It was so much fun we wish we could go again.

By Daniel and Paige (Year 5)

Play in a Day

Play in a Day at Sweyne - Year 6

On the 29th of June all of the Year 6 went to Sweyne Park School for Play in a Day. 

We arrived there at 8:45 in the morning and waited outside of the drama department at Sweyne. Soon after arriving, we got told to go inside and take our shoes and socks off and sit down. Once we sat down, we met a lady called Leslie and she introduced herself and she told us to get into partners and into groups. 

After getting into groups we all did these photographs where we had a time period and we had to guess what they gave us that we use today. Also, we got to dance to songs that were: Chocolate and a Mexican song.

However, after lunch, we had 20 minutes to create a play that we hadn't even known was happening. So we all got into some spots on the floor and started to go through our play. After we had finished, we all went outside so that the caretakers could put all the chairs out. Soon enough all our parents were there and were ready to watch the greatest 20 minute play they had ever watched in their lives.      

I would definitely recommend your children going to play in a day because it makes you feel so much more better about going to your secondary schools and it makes you want to get there so much faster.

By Keira (Year 6)

On the 29th June we went to Sweyne park school for Play in a Day where in the morning we learnt about people from the past and present like Albert Einstein, Mo Farah and many many more.

At 8:45am, on the 29th of June, we met at Sweyne park school to start Play in a Day. First we met a person called Lesley and she told us about the people of the past and present. After that we did multiple poses with our group. The people in my group were Harry, Katie, Holly, a year seven and I.

After lunch, we started the play all about the life in the olden days and some of us stood up and said their dream jobs.

By Alfie (Year 6)



As we arrived, we put down all our belongings and started to have free time for 15 minutes. Then we all got told our rooms and our activity groups. We went to our rooms and picked a bed for the night and made our beds. 

After they wanted to do a fire bell practice just so we know what it sounds like. Finally, we got to see all the activities we would be doing on our trip. Then we had lunch at 12:00pm and it took us about 10 minutes to be quiet. After lunch, we went off to our first activity. Both of us did archery. Each activity was about 45 minutes long. 

Next it was about 1:45pm and we had about a 10 minute break in our rooms and we got crisps. The next activity we did was traversing Ropes and it rained whilst we were doing it. It also got really really cold and the activities got very wet. Then it was dinner and we had burger and chips. 

Then they let us go for a walk around Hockley Woods and we got to go in the park for about 20 minutes on our walk.It was about 8:00pm when we got to the camp fire and sung lots of songs and had a little dance and then we got hot chocolate and marshmallows. Then at 8:45 pm we headed back to our rooms and got in our PJ's. All of the rooms were so loud at first but then they calmed down a little bit. Most of the rooms got tired.


Anna's room woke up at 6:00am and Leila's woke up at 6:30am and we already were fully awake. Then we were told to get changed and pack all our stuff up so we did at about 7:00am and then they turned on some music in the hallway and we got to dance. At 8:00am we got breakfast and me and katie both were allowed 3 sausages.

The first activity was the Leap of faith and then the abseiling which was so fun then we packed up and left.

By Leila and Anna (Year 5)

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Multicultural Week in Ruby Class

Multicultural Week

During Multicultural Week, we learnt all about the country Japan. 

We found out about: 

- the food
- their clothes
- well-known landmarks
- sports
- gaming
- origami (making a kimono and Pikachu) 

We then shared what we had learnt with Diamond and Garnet class. 

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Multicultural Week - Kenya


Topaz Class had a lot of fun learning about Kenya.
We looked at a variety of different topics which included:

  • Flag
  • Food
  • Mapping
  • Where in the World?
  • Tribes
On Friday we were lucky enough to be able to swap classes and share what we had learned with the other children.
The tropical food tasting went down really well...

Well done to all the children who contributed fascinating extra homework.
Photos to follow...
Testing times in Year 5/6
The children have been working really hard to show their progress in assessments this week. Well done to everyone who has given their best! Mr Richards.👍