Play in a Day at Sweyne - Year 6
On the 29th of June all of the Year 6 went to Sweyne Park School for Play in a Day.
We arrived there at 8:45 in the morning and waited outside of the drama department at Sweyne. Soon after arriving, we got told to go inside and take our shoes and socks off and sit down. Once we sat down, we met a lady called Leslie and she introduced herself and she told us to get into partners and into groups.
After getting into groups we all did these photographs where we had a time period and we had to guess what they gave us that we use today. Also, we got to dance to songs that were: Chocolate and a Mexican song.
However, after lunch, we had 20 minutes to create a play that we hadn't even known was happening. So we all got into some spots on the floor and started to go through our play. After we had finished, we all went outside so that the caretakers could put all the chairs out. Soon enough all our parents were there and were ready to watch the greatest 20 minute play they had ever watched in their lives.
I would definitely recommend your children going to play in a day because it makes you feel so much more better about going to your secondary schools and it makes you want to get there so much faster.
By Keira (Year 6)
On the 29th June we went to Sweyne park school for Play in a Day where in the morning we learnt about people from the past and present like Albert Einstein, Mo Farah and many many more.
At 8:45am, on the 29th of June, we met at Sweyne park school to start Play in a Day. First we met a person called Lesley and she told us about the people of the past and present. After that we did multiple poses with our group. The people in my group were Harry, Katie, Holly, a year seven and I.
After lunch, we started the play all about the life in the olden days and some of us stood up and said their dream jobs.
By Alfie (Year 6)