Sunday 13 October 2024

Friday 11th October 2024


Year 5/6 Blog Post 11.10.24

We are once again back to another Friday.

As the weather is continuing to cool and provide us with free showers, could we please request that you provide the children with suitable school uniform and added layers for when we go out to play and learn.  We have had much fun in our learning again this week, so please take a look at our newsletter for some updates and photos.


A big thank you to all of the parents that attended the Year 6 parent meeting yesterday. It was great to see you all. Remember if you have any questions from the meeting, please feel free to send a message over dojo and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Science Day! Thursday 10th October
On Thursday, the children had a great time learning all about Science through experiments. There are pictures that we have taken from the day which we will share with you in next week's newsletter.

Year 5 Danbury Residential

We hope that the Year 5s are excited for the Danbury residential trip next week. Just a quick reminder to look over the kit list that was sent home to ensure your children remember to bring all of the required items. Please remember to bring the children's lunch in a disposable bag where possible for the first day and any medication labelled in a box if required. We will do our best to get images on the school's Instagram during the trip.

Year 5 Pg 15 (Rounding and checking)
Year 6 Pg 10 (Written Multiplication)
Year 5 Pg 9 (Adverbs)
Year 6 Pg 7 (Adverbs)
  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading Record to take home.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 8’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practice on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details or message your class teacher using Dojo

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield and Mrs Witherall

Friday 4 October 2024

Friday 4th October 2024

 Friday 4th October 2024

Year 5/6 Blog Post 4.10.24

We are once again back to another Friday - and it's now October!!!

As the weather is continuing to cool and provide us with free showers, could we please request that you provide the children with suitable school uniform and added layers for when we go out to play and learn.  We have had much fun in our learning again this week, so please take a look at our newsletter for some updates and photos.


Another reminder to please come join us and learn how you can support your child through this important year. We are encouraging you to bring your child with you so that you can ask questions if needed.

We hope to see you there!

Year 5 Pg 12 (Written addition and Subtractions)
Year 6 Pg 9 (Number problems)
Year 5 Pg 46 (Fronted Adverbials)
Year 6 Pg 43 (Fronted Adverbials)

  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading Record to take home.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 4’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practice on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details or message your class teacher using Dojo

Science Day! Thursday 10th October

On Thursday next week, we have invited Sublime Science to Down Hall to provide the children with a day full of scientific experiments. In light of this, could we please ask that your children come into school wearing clothes that you don't mind getting a little messy.

Should you wish to embrace your little scientist further at home, the link attached will take you to their website, where you can access over 100 free experiment ideas. sublimescience


For the children who received a letter regarding bikeability this week, please ensure that you bring in your bikes to the school hall at the beginning of the day and children are provided with the equipment listed on the letter. Many thanks.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield and Mrs Witherall

Friday 27 September 2024

Year 5/6 Blog Post 27.9.24

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday to you all! We hope that you've had a fabulous week!
With the weather on the decline, can we ask that the children come to school with a coat every day. We tend to go out at break and lunchtimes unless it is heavy rain.
The children have been very busy with all their learning. Do check out our weekly newsletter for photos and a general catch up on what is going on around the school.

Please come join us and learn how you can support your child through this important year. We are encouraging you to bring your child with you so that you can ask questions if needed.
We hope to see you there!

Year 5 Pg 14 (Mental Calculations)
Year 6 Pg 15 (Factors, Multiples, Prime Numbers)
Year 5 Pg 12 (Pronouns)
Year 6 Pg 24-25 (Active and Passive Voice)
  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. Shortly, you will be able to take a Reading Record home for your time to time.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down. Next week we are looking at Spelling Rule 40 - Words ending in –ant, –ance/–ancy, –ent, –ence/–ency
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 3’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practise on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for log in details.

Have a fab weekend,
Mrs Hurley, Mrs Witherall & Mr Greenfield

Friday 20 September 2024

Year 5/6 Blog Post 20.9.24

 Friday 20th September 2024

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday. The children are now in full swing and have been working really hard this week. We have begun our new writing focus of Autobiographies and Biographies and the children have begun to find information all Dorothy Vaughan, Christine Darden and Mary Jackson who are significant figures within the history of NASA.

Impossible Creatures- Katherine Rundell

On Wednesday, the children had the opportunity to listen to Katherine Rundell, a famous author who won the Waterstones Book of 2023 last year. During the talk, she spoke about how you can take inspiration from everyday things to incorporate into your writing. 


Well done to the children who took part in the Table Tennis tournament at Grove Wood this week.  Mr Harrington was very impressed with your behaviour and the way you performed on the day. 

Year 5/6 Homework Tasks.


Year 5 Pg 10 (Rounding)
Year 6 Pg 8 (Calculating with negative numbers)
Year 5 Pg 6 (Modal Verbs)
Year 6 Pg 6 (Verbs)

  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading Record to take home.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 5’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practise on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details or message your class teacher using Dojo.

House Captains.

Well done to all of the children that have already submitted their presentations and speeches. Please see our newsletter for the results.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield and Mrs Witherall

Friday 13 September 2024

Year 5/6 Blogpost 13.09.24


Friday 13th September 2024

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday. The children are now in full swing and have been working really hard this week. It was great seeing out the week celebrating National Roald Dahl Dat as all of the children dressed up as characters. Thanks to Mr Greenfield for taking part, coming in as the farmer from Fantastic Mr Fox.

Sweyne Visit.

Our Year 6 children were lucky enough to spend some time this morning at Sweyne; taking part in various activities that explore chemistry. We were pleased to hear that our children were all well behaved and represented our school well. The teachers at Sweyne were so amazed at how well how children conducted themselves. They have invited us back in to take part in further lessons

Thank you.

We would like to thank all of our Parents/ Carers for making sure that full school uniform is worn. Children were reminded that shoes and not trainers should be worn this week, as in line with our uniform policy. 

We would also like to thank you for supporting the children to make sure that homework is completed. Without your support, the children are not able to make the progress that we would like this year.

Year 5/6 Homework Tasks.


Year 5 Pg 9 (Powers of 10)
Year 6 Pg 7 (Rounding whole numbers)
Year 5 Pg 62 (Punctuating Speech)
Year 6 Pg 8 (Antonyms and Synonyms)

  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading Record to take home.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 5’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practise on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details or message your class teacher using Dojo.

School councillor and House Captains.

Well done to all of the children that have already submitted their presentations and speeches. Please see our newsletter for the results.

Next Thursday, we will be holding House Captain elections. If any of our Year 6 pupils would like to be considered for this role, please encourage them to prepare a speech or presentation to explain why they would be good for this role (these have been discussed with the children in class).

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield and Mrs Witherall

Friday 6 September 2024

Year 5/6 Blogpost - Welcome to the New School Year

Dear Parents,

A huge welcome to you if you are joining us here in Year 5/6 and a big hello if you were with us last year! The children have had a very busy week and have all settled in well to their new classes. It is so great to see the children smiling when they are coming into school each day. 

Our weekly blog is the best way to receive communication from us. We will also use the Class Dojo from time to time when needed. If you have not received your child's log in please ask their teacher.

  • Messages to staff on the gate in the morning.

  • Please ensure that children come on to the school grounds on their own.

  • Please send in a note or email the office if collection arrangements are different to normal.

  • Please call the office if collection arrangements change during the day.

  • Please label all clothing including their tie.

  • Ring the office if your child is off sick – must be clear for 48hrs before returning to school. 

  • Please notify the office of any changes to mobile numbers or email addresses.

  • Our PE day will be on Wednesdays.

  • Snacks - Please provide fruit or vegetables for your child’s snack in a named, reusable container.

  • Homework is set every Friday and will need to be handed in by the following Wednesday.

  • Please ensure that you are signing your child's reading record and spelling notebook regularly. 

Year 5 Pg 11
Year 6 Pg 6
Year 5 Pg 33-34
Year 6 Pg 32-35
  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. Shortly, you will be able to take a Reading Record home for your time to time.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 2’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practise on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for log in details.
  • School Councillor - if you would like to be considered for this role, please prepare a presentation for you to share with your class next week.
Remember, you can either type out any extra homework on a Google document and share it with your teacher or hand write neatly onto paper and bring it into school.
Please ask for help if you are unsure!


Hi there. My name is Mrs Hurley and I am very excited to be your child's teacher this year. I cannot wait to get to know your child over the coming year. Mrs Holland (LSA) works alongside to support all our children. She will also be teaching every Tuesday afternoon whilst Mrs Hurley is helping other teachers. The happiness and safety of your child is very important to me, if you ever have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to come and see me. My classroom door is always open.

Hello, I am Mrs Witherall. In Blossom class, we are lucky enough to have the support of Mrs Wright and Miss Gray. We are all keen to help your children thrive in their learning and gain the confidence to embrace new challenges whilst having fun. It is important that children are aware of appropriate behaviour and consequences to me, to enable them to feel confident enough to take on the challenges of their secondary schools. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to me at the end of the day, or message me on dojo.

Hi. My name is Mr Greenfield and Miss Clark is the class LSA. We are both looking forward to teaching your children this year. I am looking forward to getting to know your children more as the year progresses on unless they are Tottenham fans!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to pop into class or message us on the Class Dojo.
If you would like to speak to us feel free to call the office and we will get back to you when we can. 
Have a fabulous weekend,
Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield & Mrs Witherall

Friday 12 July 2024

Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz. Year 5/6 Friday 12th July 2024

 Friday 12th July 2024

Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz. Year 5/6 Friday 12th July 2024

Happy Friday to all. We have all been working our socks off this week! 

Year 5 have been enjoying looking at Alice in Wonderland this week, disecting some of the poetry and creating persuasive writing. They have enjoyed creating their Maya masks and we hope that you enjoyed looking at some of them in open evening this Thursday.

Year 6 have been working exceptionally hard to rehearse their performance, The Lion King, which we can't wait to show you next week.

Lion King Arrangements

The performance for adults will be from 6pm on Wednesday and Thursday next week. You may enter through the front car park doors.

We are hoping that it will take 1 and a half hours, with our PTA kindly offering an interval half-way through. There will be refreshments and cake, so please bring cash to support our fundraising for future events for the school.

Children will need to go home at normal time and return at the office 4:30pm to change into their costumes and have their faces painted on both nights.

Children not turning up can cause some disruptions to the performance, therefore, if you know that your child will not be attending, please let Mrs Witherall know ASAP, thank you.

Shoe Share

We are raising money for UNICEF by taking part in the Shoeshare scheme with Clarks of Rayleigh.  So, please search your cupboards for old pairs of shoes that you no longer need!  Send them to school and we will do the rest.  Shoes need to be in pairs and of a wearable condition.  Money will be used by UNICEF to support education projects around the world.  Every child has the right to an education (A28 &29 UNCRC) and as a Gold Rights Respecting School we are proud to be supporting UNICEF with this project.

Reading Books

In preparation for next year, we will be collecting in all reading books on Wednesday 17th July. If you know you will be away before this date, please hand in your reading book before this date. We would encourage you all to take part in the summer reading scheme at the library during the holidays to help keep up your child's reading fluency during the 6 week break.


We would like to thank you all for your hard work in supporting your child with their homework this year. We have returned their homework books to them and are asking for them to be returned again this year.

If there are some pages left, please work through them at your own pace. The maths homework book is also a useful tool for looking back over the ideas we have covered this year as a reminder during the summer holidays so your child does not get too rusty over the 6 weeks off.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Best wishes

Mrs Witherall, Mrs O'Connor and Mrs Devlin